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Prep. for Weigh In Fight Day (WF)
Weigh in Fight Day Example
Female & Male
145 lb. Female to Prepare for
Weight In/Fight Day (WF)
Lunch After Weigh In-High Carb
Afternoon Snack
Dinner-High Carb
Event Day-1 hour Prior to Event
Nutrient Total Calories
Moderate, Hypo, & Hyper Responders
Nutrient Type

Nutrient Total Calories after Event
Don't Track, just enjoy
Nutrient Ratio afer Event
Don't Track, just enjoy
205 lb. Male to Prepare for
Weight In/Fight Day (WF)
Lunch After Weigh In-High Carb
Afternoon Snack
Dinner-High Carb
Event Day-1 hour Prior to Event
Nutrient Total Calories
Moderate & Hypo Responders
Nutrient Type

Nutrient Total Calories after Event
Don't Track, just enjoy
Nutrient Ratio afer Event
Don't Track, just enjoy
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